Missed Deadline for The Addams Family
As a young lad I can remember watching two programs from the decade I was born, the 1960s, both of which involved the comedy antics of families of horror movie monsters living among the normal human...
View ArticleZX Spectrum Game, The Munsters
To follow on from our last post, The Addams Family ZX Spectrum game, we had to see if there was a game featuring those other mirthful monsters, or should I say Munsters. Indeed, Herman, Morticia et al...
View ArticlePinball Dreams Nightmare Table (on Amiga)
A long time ago when I was younger and had more hair and less belly my brother bought an Amiga. I had a MegaDrive, and we both played games. Sometimes we would let each other have a go at our latest...
View ArticleArcade 20p Challenge S.S. Mission
Another weekly challenge from the guys at RetroTech100, this week the Arcade 20p Challenge (2 credits) is for a game I hadn’t seen before, SS Mission. Another vertical shooter, although this one isn’t...
View ArticleAnother Arcade 20p Challenge, 1944: The Loop Master
1944: The Loop Master Arcade game So we are back for another 20p arcade challenge from the RetroTech100 Facebook group, and once again it is a shmup, this time it’s a Capcom shooter set in 1944 and...
View ArticlePlaystation Porsche Challenge – First Play Challenge
Porsche Challenge on Playstation A new challenge came my way courtesy of a couple of online friends, namely David Birdsall and Chris Retro 48k Diamond, they both follow a YouTuber called Rob...
View ArticleA new Challenge, Arcade 20p on Truxton
So here it is, another 2 credits (20p) challenge from the Retrotech100 Facebook group, this week it is on the vertical scrolling space shooter Truxton. This 1998 shmup sees you (once again) flying a...
View ArticleTerminator 2: Judgement Day Arcade 20p Challenge
Terminator 2:Judgement day, what a fantastic film, it took special effects to another level and got everything right for an action movie of its era. Then came the spin off game in the arcade, that is...
View ArticleAnother Arcade 20p Challenge: Metamorphic Force
The usual weekly Arcade 20p Challenge was set in the RetroTech100 Facebook group last week, and the game was Metamorphic Force. It’s a bit of an easy one to describe, a scrolling beatemup which mixes...
View ArticleRGF Spectrum Specialists Challenge – Exolon
This isn’t a game I had played much before I attempted this Retro Games Forever High Score Challenge, but I found I have been missing out on a really rather good game. Released in 1987 by Hewson...
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